I'm thinking about changing this from an art blog to a blog with art in it, because I like writing about the trivialities of my life far too much. The reasons I see people beginning new blogs are usually the following:
- They move to a new place
- They decide they need a fresh start
- They want to document their progress be it art, cooking, crafting, vacations etc
For me, it's a new beginning and a new ending.
I'm starting to think that I need a more 'mature' location for my rantings and my art. I also feel that if I had a set deadline I would produce more art.... I'm starting school up again in a matter of weeks and I'd really like to do well my senior year of SCAD. I'm setting a goal of finished pages to be posted here at the beginning of the first week and every week after that I will post a similar amount.
In writing about my life... This shit will probably be from general observations about life, people and my current location, to what I feel like cooking for dinner. In fact it might very well be what I'm cooking for dinner because I like cooking. I suppose this is for posterity in the way that I anticipate re-reading this stuff at some point to remind myself where I've been.
Here are some facts about myself that I find relevant:
I turned 22 a few weeks ago. I currently attend the Savannah College of Art and Design for Sequential Art. I have dreamt of getting a job as a storyboard artist, a maquette maker, a concept designer for film/animation/video games. I want, like everyone I know, to travel after college. The places I want to go at the current moment: The Philippines, India, Thailand, back to the Peruvian Amazon, Cambodia, China, Australia, Russia, Denmark, Amsterdam, Spain, Portugal. I have about a year left in school but I wish i was going to be done sooner. I dont have a lot of friends, or rather, I like to keep the best ones and let the others do as they will. My longest kept best friends are Caitlin and Rayla:
Other people who are incredibly important in my life are my un-boyfriend and best friend Blair, who will always be a part of who I was and who I am today,
Maria and Lily, the most wonderful friends I've made in college
and Sydney, the best room mate and best friend I've had.
I currently live in two places, my boyfriend Garrett's house and the place I pay rent.
Garrett is a wonderfully independent, funny, clever and beautiful soul that I love, and I hope we will remain in each others lives in one way or another for a long time. Oh and here is his kitty; Odin
I am working on life, I am working on being happy, I am working on communicating, and I think I'll be alright.
aww that's sweet